About This Doppel-Blog

Welcome to our doppel-blog!

"Hold it right there! What's a doppel-blog?" you wonder...

Doppel is German for double. (Hence the doppelbock.) Since we're a couple posting our reviews on the same blog, we decided that Yeast, Love, and Hoppiness is double-blogged. Doppel the flavor. Doppel the beer. Doppel the fun!

We're a beer-loving, boyfriend/girlfriend duo who relishes in sampling new brews. We needed a way to keep track of what we like, what we don't, and what we want to try. So we figured: Why not share our tasting experiences, too? We're not beer experts or beer snobs. Just a couple on a mission to taste the big, wide, boozy world of beer one or two (or three) pints at a time.

Besides brew reviews, we'll be posting about visits to breweries and pubs, recipes cooked or baked with beer, beer events, and more. And since I (Jess) am a dedicated do-it-herselfer... you may end up with some crafty beer projects, too. So grab a cold one, sit back, and enjoy the blog!

About The Doppel-Bloggers

We're born-and-raised Iowans. (That's right, we're Iowa Nice. You're welcome.)

Greg is an IT Guy by day and gamer by night. (Pssst! He's also an amazing cook!) Jessica is a web content writer by day and blogger by night. She likes decorating and collects vintage typewriters, too. Besides drinking beer, you'll catch us eating the delicious food Greg makes, watching Game of Thrones, and exploring eastern Iowa.

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