Friday, June 28, 2013

Beer Craft | Repurpose Souvenir Glassware as Decor

When G and went to the Iowa Craft Brew Festival, we got snazzy little sampling glasses. I knew I'd be keeping mine as a souvenir of all the good beer we sample and good little memories we made that day... but I also knew that I likely wouldn't be drinking my own beer out of such a tiny glass. Thinking the cup was just too cute to take up cupboard space, I decided to use it as a candle holder.

The week prior, I found a thin crack in the top of my favorite Weihenstephaner glass. It's no longer safe to drink out of, but I thought a revamp as a candle holder would suit it as well.

I bought two Threshold candles at Target, both in the mahogany color/scent because the color reminds me of my favorite dark beers and the smell is a wonderful balance of rustic and sweet.  Since both glasses taper down about half way, I found that both of the candles were a bit too big. Using a blunt kitchen knife, I carefully shaved wax off the sides of the candles. It ended up looking a bit rough from the shaving, but running the candle under hot water warmed the wax enough for me to smooth the sides with my hand. Once tapered and smoothed, the candles slid right down into place.

I love that I can put my Iowa Craft Brew sampling glass on display and at the same time not have to throw away my slightly cracked Weihenstephaner glass.  The project was easy and easy on the budget. The shorter candle cost $3 at Target, while the taller one set me back $6.

This project would also work for shot glasses and tea lights. The candle holders are ideal for a pub-themed kitchen or home bar. (I'm seriously considering the pub theme for my own kitchen now.) I plan to keep collecting souvenir and sample glasses so that I can line them up on a shelf.

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